See the destined day arise!
See a willing sacrifice!
Jesus, to redeem our loss,
Hangs upon the shameful cross;
Jesus, who but You could bear
Wrath so great and justice fair?
Every pang and bitter throe,
Finishing Your life of woe?
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Lamb of God for sinners slain!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Jesus Christ, we praise Your name!
Verse 2:
Who but Christ had dared to drain,
Steeped in gall, the cup of pain
And with tender body bear
Thorns and nails and piercing spear?
Slain for us, the water flowed,
Mingled from Your side with blood;
Sign to all attesting eyes
Of the finished sacrifice.
Verse 3:
Holy Jesus, grant us grace
In that sacrifice to place
All our trust for life renewed,
Pardoned sin, and promised good.
Grant us grace to sing Your praise
‘Round Your throne through endless days,
Ever with the sons of light:
“Blessing, honor, glory, might!”
Original words: Venantius Fortunatus (c.530-600), tr. Richard Mant (1837), Public Domain. Alt. words, chorus, and music: Matthew Merker © 2014 Matthew Merker Music (BMI)/Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI)