Sung to 'How Firm a Foundation'
(1) The earth and the riches that in it are stored,
The world and its dwellers belong to the Lord.
(2) For He is the One who first caused it to stand,
And up from the seas He established the land.
(3) O who can the path to the Lord’s mount ascend?
And who in the place of His holiness stand?
(4) The man of pure heart and of hands without stain,
Who swears not to idols, nor worships what’s vain.
(5) Yes, he from the Lord shall a blessing obtain;
And from God his Savior, he’ll righteousness gain.
(6) Thus looking to Him is a whole blessed race;
All those who, like Jacob, are seeking Your face.
(7) O gates, lift your heads! Ancient doors, lift them high!
The great King of glory to enter draws nigh!
(8) O who is the King that in glory draws near?
The Lord, mighty Lord of the battle, is here!
(9) O gates, lift your heads! Ancient doors, lift them high!
The great King of glory to enter draws nigh!
(10) This great King of glory, O who can He be?
The Lord God of hosts, King of glory is He!