Tune of 'A Mighty Fortress is Our God'
God is our refuge and our strength,
A present help in our distress.
We will not therefore be afraid
Though all the earth should be removed,
Though mountains great be hurled
Into the ocean's depths,
Though seas may roar and foam
And billows shake the shore,
Though mountains tremble at their pow'r.
A river brings refreshing streams
To cheer the city of our God,
The Most High's holy dwelling place.
God is in her; she won't be moved;
At dawn will God help her.
The nations rage; realms quake;
He lifts His voice; earth melts.
The Lord of hosts with us!
Our fortress strong is Jacob's God.
O come, see what the Lord has done:
He desolations brought on earth;
On earth He puts an end to wars,
Breaks bow and spear, and chariots burn
Be still! Know I am God.
Exalted o'er all men,
Exalted o'er all earth.
The Lord of hosts with us!
Our fortress strong is Jacob's God.