(Sung to tune of 'Crown Him with Many Crowns')
(1) Lord, safely keep my life – I refuge take in Thee;
(2) I said to God, “You are my Lord; I have no good but Thee.”
(3) As for Your saints on earth, they are the glorious ones,
The godly who are my delight – Your daughters and Your sons.
(4) Those who seek other gods, their sorrows will increase,
For chasing after emptiness will never bring them peace.
I will not join with them, blood offerings to make,
The names of idols, empty gods, on my lips I’ll not take.
(5) Lord, You have given me my portion and my cup,
And You have made my lot secure; my head You’ve lifted up.
(6) The bound’ries of my life have fallen pleasantly,
My heritage, my sure repose, is beautiful to me.
(7) I praise and bless the Lord who has instructed me,
Indeed, my heart and mind all night do counsel give to me.
(8) For I have set the Lord before me e’er to stand,
And I will never shaken be, for He’s at my right hand.
(9) Therefore, my heart is glad, my glory does rejoice;
My flesh will also dwell secure, and I’ll lift up my voice.
(10) You won’t abandon me to death and the grave’s sway,
You won’t allow your Holy One to undergo decay.
(11) You have made known to me the path of life, the Way,
For in Your presence there is joy in all its full array.
At Thy right hand are found both joy and pleasures’ store,
For in Thy presence, at Thy hand, are pleasures evermore.